Little Magothy River Association



Natures elements, natural erosion,  and occasional severe weather combine to continually erode the Little Magothy River inlet, bulkheads, navigation channel, and waterfront property. In addition the river is impacted by natural silt formations and alos runoff (man-made and natural).  In the late 90's the future of the river itself looked particularly bleak as the inlet itself had become so shallow it was nearly completely choked off.

Concerned residence lead by Amy Juras and Carol Kerr (former residence and past president) worked aggressively with State and County gov. leaders to secure funding to dredge the near in passable inlet leading into the LMR.  Funding was approved and the inlet dredged with  State  DNR funds collected from boaters registrations which then supported the waterways improvement fund.  After this one time funded dredging campaign we were told that future funds would not be available and that we should establish a special tax district to self fund our future dredging needs. In 2002 the LMRA was formed and annual tax assessment was initiated for waterfront property owners along the LMR  These funds are to be used for future maintenance and dredging of the LMR and associated inlet, channel, and bulkheads..